Morning Journal 3/20/22

Edward Liu
1 min readMar 21, 2022

This whole new schedule and inconsistent schedule is fucking with me. I know it is.

I know that no matter what I do, I need to have a level of consistency, and I need to have a level of “sameness” everyday.

This way I know when and where to be. I know what I need to do. But right now, I’m so focused on making about $10k a month with this Uber thing, I forget that I need to work on other stuff along with it.

It’s another one of those traps. Let’s call this the instant gratification trap.

Because I see results right away, it’s easy to get dragged into this and say I’ll just keep making this money.

But long term, this is not what I need to be doing to make that wealth. Because that’s a delayed gratification thingy that we need to work on. It’s something that really gets me to the level that I need to get to in the place that I need to get to.

Anyways. It’s going to be damn good to get all of those things settled and have some money coming in. I knew these first two months would be tough because I have 2 places that I need to take care of and I need to make sure that it’s good until those months are gone. So now after 4/1, I should be good good. And the money that we make are going to be more than enough to get both of us going.



Edward Liu

Greatness is inspiring someone, who in turn inspires others