Morning Journal 1/27/22

Edward Liu
2 min readJan 27, 2022

What is my job?

Yeah, I do a bunch of stuff… But what is my job?

I own a financial services agency, I own a business… But what is my job as the owner?

I don’t know if any other people have been asking this at all. I’m sure I cannot be the only one thinking about this and thinking about what the job of an owner is.

Is it everything? Is it leading people to do what they need to do? What is the job of a CEO? Is it to make sure that everyone is doing everything they can to get the entirety to the next level?

Some questions that I am thinking about as of late because it is absolutely crazy different from being an employee to a business owner. I know that nothing will stop me from being who I need to be now that I am working on getting to the best version of me, but I also know that this is time for me to take ownership and serve the community, serve the people that I have in my life, and serve the masses with.

So I need to talk to the people that I need to serve in order to provide them with the best possible service that there is. I know that I get to be better in doing this because it is absolutely crucial for me to get to know their struggles, their “why” of doing their business, what their pain is, what their struggles are, what they need and want are.

Okay, I think I know what a job of an owner is now.

An owner’s job is to serve people. His job is to do the things that the team is doing, but does it better. His job is to provide what the team needs in order for them to be better, provide what the team wants in order for them to continue to strive for something better. His job is to lead in the front by example, lead in the back with encouragement, lead in the middle of the battle with his actions.

An owner’s job is to create, to innovate, to get better at the things that everyone is doing. His job is to learn from the outside world and bring them into the team. His job is to help bring the strength of the team up, and know where the weaknesses are to help them get better at them.

It’s so simple, because I’m already doing those things, and I just need to do it at a higher level, a better level, and more effectively.

It takes time, yes. But I cannot be waiting for that much time to do something that I need to do. It’s just that it’s something that I must do, and something that I must be doing in order to get better. And as I get better, I will make more money. That’s it.



Edward Liu

Greatness is inspiring someone, who in turn inspires others